Thursday, November 3, 2011

24 days of Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving approaching, I wanted to list 24 things that I am thankful for....

1. I am most thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ!!! He is my rock and comforter, He is my strength and biggest fan, He loves me unconditionally and blesses me beyond what I deserve, He died on the cross so I can spend eternity in Heaven!!! He is an awesome God and I love Him with my whole heart!
2. I am thankful for my incredible husband Brad! He is my best friend, the love of my life, and the best dad ever! I have had the honor of being his wife for almost 7 years and can honestly say I love him more and more everyday!
3. I am so thankful for the greatest gift God ever gave me...Grant Holden! The love I feel for my sweet boy is a heavenly love, a love that I prayed for and now am getting to feel and experience everyday! I thank God every night for blessing me with a child, thank Him for answering prayers, and will forever praise Him for Grant.  This is my testimony of God's love for me! I am so thankful to be a mommy!

4. I am so thankful for Granna and PB and Fancy! They have blessed my life and influenced who I am. I am thankful for their love and dedication to the Lord and to their family!

5. I am thankful for my family! I have been blessed with wonderful brothers, sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws and nieces and nephews! I love them all!

6. I am thankful for all of my wonderful friends! I have been so blessed to have a close group of girlfriends; I love each one of them individually and each hold a special place in my heart!

7. I am thankful for my health and the health of my family and friends! After having a health scare during and after labor and having to be a hospital patient for a week, I can honestly say I feel very blessed to be in good health!
8. I am thankful for my other son....Murray! Murray is such an incredible spirit, a great brother, an unconditional lover, a best friend, and stole my heart nearly seven years ago!

9. I am thankful for my job! I might gripe about having to work and have loved every second of being at home with my sweet boy, but I am grateful for having a job that I love. I am also thankful for the wonderful women that I get the privilege of working with every day!

10.  I am thankful for the roof over my head and food on the table! In a time where there are millions of families struggling to make ends meet, I feel grateful for having the simple things in life and will not take those things for granted.

I will continue my Thanksgiving praises in a later post....

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