As I prepare to celebrate Grant's first Christmas I am overwhelmed and flooded with emotions! Each day that passes I swear it feels like my heart may explode; it is filled with so much love for my sweet family! I was snuggling with Grant on the couch last night by the Christmas tree with Brad sitting in the "comfy" chair and Murray sprawled out on his bed and as I looked around my house decorated for the season my eyes filled with tears of joy and I thanked God to myself for blessing me with more than I can ever deserve and everything my heart has desired! I think back to this time last year...Brad and I were patiently awaiting to see if our work with the fertility specialist had worked, praying that it had. And now this year....holding God's sweet son! How awesome is that!!!! There are no words (which doesn't happen a lot for me..ha) that can describe how incredibly blessed and thankful I feel this Christmas. Last year I listened to "A baby changes everything" by Faith Hill and cried from a broken and anxious heart and now I listen with a humble and joyous heart. Lastly, this season I often think about Mary, the mother of our Savior! What an incredible honor and journey she went through to give us our King. I think about how much I love Grant and then think she loved her sweet baby in a manger that much too!
God's greatest gift to us is his son, Jesus! Jesus was born in a manger to give each of us life! This Christmas season I am so thankful for the sweet baby Jesus that died on a cross so that I may live and give life to my sweet son!
Here are a few pics of Grant getting ready for his first Christmas!
We got your card in the mail the other day. Sooo sweet. I am so glad you got your baby this Christmas. It gives me hope that maybe some Christmas I too will be celebrating Jesus' birthday this way. He is a little sweet pea :)